Menu Plan Monday July 14

Menu Plan Monday!

Just as I predicted, we are full of beans!

Italian (Roma) beans:

More beans:

And other goodies like these banana peppers:

On our menu this week:

Far East Beef Casserole (with beans!)
Potatoes and something from the freezer (veggie riblets? burgers?)

I guess I don’t have an overwhelming amount planned this week since we are eating a lot of what is ready in the garden and it is too hot to cook a lot and I think I have reached a cooking lull. It seems I get all enthusiastic about cooking everything in the Fall and Winter and Spring, but Summer comes in full force and that enthusiasm goes out the window except in small fits of inspiration.

Speaking of inspiration, I was trying to figure out a way to get my husband to eat some of the summer squash bounty (he doesn’t share my fondness for the veggie) so I put together a squash casserole that he actually ate.

Squash and Sausage Casserole

1 package Gimme Lean Breakfast sausage
A goodly amount of Summer Squash
Cheese Sauce
Bread Crumbs (I like fresh ones)

Fry up the Gimme Lean in bite size pieces with some olive oil.

Cut up the squash in rounds and steam in the microwave until tender (how long this takes depends on the amount of squash).

Put together a cheese sauce: 1/4 cup margarine, 1/4 cup flour, 2 cups milk, an 8 ounce package a shredded cheese – standard mac and cheese sauce.

Layer everything in a casserole dish – sausage, then squash, then sauce. Top with a goodly amount of bread crumbs and bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until the bread crumbs look nicely toasted. Yum!

What’s on your menu?


P.S. Happy Bastille Day!

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