I put together an extremely crude mock-up of my 70’s kitchen.
I say extremely crude because the wallpaper and floor are only taped in place as are the wall cabinets. I still haven’t done any work on the house itself, but it has been fun playing with the furniture. I think I have something that is close to the picture in my last post. Without the pink. I am not a pink fan.
This kitchen is built from a Realife Kitchen Kit. I put together a number of the kits when I first started doing miniatures because they were cheap. What I had forgotten between that time and this was that they are cheap for a reason. The wood is very thin and quite prone to warping. I also opted to skip some steps which make the kits a whole lot more complicated than they need to be, such as making the front of the cabinets with pieces of strip wood and fussing with the refrigerator shelves (the fridge is glued shut). Overall, I am pleased with the way the kitchen turned out.
I really need to get to work on the house!
I LOVE the new color palette. So cool!
I don’t know much about WordPress, but something in your settings is closing comments on older posts. I tried leaving a few comments on older posts (LOVE THE BATHROOM!!!) but it says ” Both comments and pings are currently closed.”
I wish I could help, but maybe there is a setting that disables comments on posts older than a few weeks that you an turn off? It may be a default setting to prevent comments on old posts that might be spam.
Looking forward to seeing the new house. 😀
It is fun working with lots of color after the black and white!
Thanks for the compliment on the bathroom.
I set the comments to close after 2 weeks. I get too much spam to sort through otherwise. Beats me why the spammers bother. I never approve them. 🙁
Your work is great. I love the colors. They are my fave, especially the orange and lime green. Say “Hi” to the Brady’s for me!
LOL! Confession – I watched the Brady Bunch religiously when I was growing up! And I found a Partridge Family Game in mini on eBay that I am thinking of getting for the house. 🙂
I know what you mean about that kitchen set. I bought one and saw how thin the wood was and “Re-Bayed” it. It’s fab for 70’s though!
Realife kits are not the best, but this kitchen kit was produced in 1974. It was just the right look and feel for a 70’s house.