Upcycled Bench 1:12 Scale!

This post will probably sound a little convoluted at first, but that is the way things are sometimes.

It all started when I saw a mention on Mini Modern of an upcycled pallet coffee table in 1:12 scale offered at the etsy shop Artistique. The table was kinda cool, but with a price tag of $76 plus change and shipping, I thought to myself, I could do that! Okay, maybe my version wouldn’t be exactly the same, but it wouldn’t cost $76 plus change and shipping.

Then I started researching upcycled furniture and saw pictures like this one:

And I also saw the bench over at 31 and Change which I had seen mentioned at Mini Modern as well.

Well, the whole thing got me thinking about kit bashing which got me thinking about kits which got me thinking about Chrysnbon which resulted in:

So there you go!


7 Responses to “Upcycled Bench 1:12 Scale!”

  1. Modern MC says:

    THIS is really great! I should get crackin’ on making my own, ey? Ha ha! I’m glad you gave it a try. It came out nice. I want to upcycle several pieces that folks gave to me. I have some older period style furniture that folks gifted me when they heard that I liked miniatures. They didn’t quite understand…ha!

  2. admin says:

    Like I said, thanks for the idea! You really should give it a try. The only tricky part is making sure the different style legs balance.

    I have been coming up with some ideas for all the House of Miniatures and Chrysnbon kits I have accumulated. More fun!

  3. Mad for Mod says:

    I love it, recently I have been doing a little upcycling myself. Mainly with paint. This looks great, nicely done!

    • admin says:


      I have gotten inspired by RL pictures online to try some more upcycled pieces.

      And I don’t have room at the moment for any more houses! 😉

  4. I can’t seem to wrap my brain around that chair/bench combo.

  5. Pepper says:

    You’ve done a great job with these. I like that something old has been upcycled into a modern piece of art. *high five*