Printables and Cat Wall Art

My piles of minis continue to grow smaller as I move more and more to the future house. What to do for this supposed minis blog? Printables!

One thing I have always loved about having a computer is having the ability to design my own printable/ activity pages, teaching aids, greeting cards, etc. These days I have fun with designing wallpapers, flooring, and wall art for my mini projects.

I already have some of my wallpapers available free. (See link in the sidebar.) So I decided to make a regular feature of a mini printable once a month (or maybe more often – we’ll see how it goes.)

This month I have some Cat Wall Art for you. There are four different color combinations on this page. (And, of course, you can always use your own favorite painting app to change colors.) Use this for your mini walls or print it on some fabric for a mini rug. Enjoy!


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