Fascination Station – I Finished A Room!

Well, almost. It needs some fine tuning. But, I finally feel like I am making some progress on the interior.

A major slow down was the electric lights. I have vowed to myself never – and I mean NEVER – to try to electrify a MDF house again. I broke tools, junction boxes, plug-in lights, and completely knocked out the electricity to one room (fortunately, just ONE room!). Honestly, I just can not believe how hard MDF is to penetrate. I salute everyone who can successfully electrify MDF without excessive swearing and/or a couple of stiff shots.

I am coming down the homestretch of finishing this project. I should have more pictures to share very soon. Hooray!

2 Responses to “Fascination Station – I Finished A Room!”

  1. Cyd says:

    I like what you have done. I’ve never wired a house before, but what about trying battery operated lights? They don’t need any wiring.

    • admin says:

      Thanks Cyd!

      Battery operated lights are definitely the way to go for any future MDF projects. I got a few for this house as well especially for the room that lost power.