Archive for December, 2011

Fascination Station – The Best Laid Plans

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Sigh. I did not make the deadline for the Creatin’ Contest. This does not surprise me in the least. I started way late and have a terrible time with deadlines.

Maybe, I’m just not the contest kind. I tried before with the Spring Fling 2010 and never got that finished either. After all the commentary about a Meth House contest winner (which I personally thought was pretty original), I think my entry would not have been approved either. I had a notion of doing a 1970’s head shop complete with tie-dyed t-shirts, posters, records, and -gasp – bongs and rolling papers. My sense of nostalgia is pretty warped, I guess. <grin>

At any rate, I did finish most of the exterior.

And after some electrical troubleshooting (am I the only one who has discovered the tested electrical is no longer working AFTER the wallpaper is up?), I will finish up the interior (this time!). Maybe in time for the I’m A Giant Challenge deadline?

By the way, super thanks to Pepper at Mitchy Moo Miniatures for the super tutorial on the Mod Fire. I just had to try this out and made one in card stock for my rooftop sitting area.

Happy Holidays!



Fascination Station – Panic Mode!

Monday, December 12th, 2011

So far, so good!?

Those sliding glass door have given me fits. This is a set of Timberbrook doors that I was lucky – I thought – to find. They do not want to stay in the tracks for some reason. Sigh.

Will I get this done before the 15th? And be able to take pictures on the 16th? I am beginning to have some serious doubts.

Golly! I still have wallpaper, floors, the kitchen cabinets, and a shower to finish up. And some trim work inside and outside and some landscaping.

Well, if I do not finish in time for contesting, at the very least I will have a house that probably got done faster than any other house I have ever put together.

Now back to work!


Fascination Station – Captain There Be Roofs Here!

Monday, December 5th, 2011

I had, what I consider to be, a very productive weekend. The structure is glued and the roofs are on. I also got the electrical tape in place and did a primer interior coat. That is a lot for me!

Am I the only one who thinks mini shingles are a tedious pain? In an effort to stop spending more money on this house, I opted to use some cedar shingles that I had lying (or is that laying – I never can get those two straight) around. I will say that the trouble was worth it, I like the textured look for this house.

I also managed to get my Christmas tree up!

My 2 foot high Christmas tree that is. I have a cat with more energy than necessary and decided against a big tree this year. What fun to find a purple one! And turquoise and green and bright pink ornaments! Ho Ho Ho!
