Archive for January, 2012

That 70’s Ranch!

Monday, January 30th, 2012

First things first. I need to show you my brand new Kris Compas dining room chairs! In my opinion, they are just right for this room.

Now on to the Contemporary Ranch.

I haven’t really gotten around to putting the house together yet. It’s been too cold or too wet to start my much loved textured spray painting for one thing. But in anticipation of actually building the house, I have been planning the interior.

After the black and white (mostly) color scheme, I feel the need for color. Lots of color. What better place for a serious color fix than the early 1970s.

For some reason my mother had these 1971/1972 decorating magazines around.

I gather she planned on redecorating at some point. Unfortunately, for me, she actually got around to all that redecorating a little later and we ended up with the dreaded avocado green/harvest gold. The worst part of the redo (My mom will never see this, thank goodness, since she does not own a computer.) was that we had the 1950’s turquoise cabinets with – yes – coppertone appliances in the kitchen. I kid you not.

Even if they did not inspire my mom, I can so see having some mini rooms like these. Who can resist that kitchen? The mediterranean furniture? The bentwood chairs?

Here are some pieces I have gathered up so far.



Some credits: mediterranean furniture – Old Concord from eBay (still looking for more of this!), modern chairs from, love seat is a modified Realife Kit, beautiful z-shaped shelf from minisx2, bentwood chairs are from Town Square.

Facination Station – I Can Finally Go!

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

I have finally finished the interior bones of the Fascination Station. The bathroom is done! My poor mini people have been waiting far too long for this room.

And the big picture of the whole house.

My entry title has a double meaning. I think it is time to move on to other projects for a while. Of course, I fully anticipate that I will be returning to the black and white house occasionally to play with furniture and accessories. In the mean time, I need to find a place to put this big house so I can reclaim my dining room/work table. <grin>

Speaking of space, am I the only one who is getting a little crowded out with prolific dollhousery? I am hoping one day to have a dedicated minis room. Unfortunately I don’t have one yet and the spare space we do have can only be accessed by a spiral staircase. (See the one is my house above. Don’t do this in real life!) I saw that Mini Mod Pod is dealing with her space issues by selling a very cool house on eBay. I’m not quite at that point yet. I guess I could quit buying and building – NOT! Oh well, who really needs a sofa?


Fascination Station – Progress!

Monday, January 9th, 2012

I worked like the dickens on floors this weekend and got almost every room fleshed out. I still have the bathroom to finish and then I strongly suspect I will set everything aside for a while. The Contemporary Ranch is calling to me!

Overall, I am pleased with, for me, how quickly this all came together. Two months is most definitely a record for me!

Enjoy the mini tour! (You will notice that my primary accessories are my cat collection – a little like real life.)

I’m not sure if I am going to keep that circular star. And I am definitely not sure about the fireplace. I really do like the Kris Compas furniture even if it does not technically fit into the black and white color scheme.

This is an Elf kitchen kit. The fridge is also from Elf and I really love it! Ridiculously clear counter tops here – what! no Cuisinart!

The bedroom a little more finished. Cats on the bed – the story of my life! The “aromatherapy” lamp on the table is battery operated. It is a bit large, but flashes all these nifty colors and I’m a sucker for that sort of thing.


Needs work. Sigh. A Nate Berkus trick of wallpaper in the shelving unit. I didn’t have anything I really loved to put on these shelves, so I stuck in some mini books. Cookbooks, Little House On The Prairie, and Shirley Jackson – now there is a combo! I have some different chairs on order for this room as well.

The bare bones of an office. Large empty shelving unit. Empty wall shelves. Empty desk. Now how long would all that be true in the real world?

In case you might be wondering, the cats are a mix of Anton Reve, Teresa Summers, Bridget McCarty, and Marlene West.

Now on to finish that bathroom!

OH!! I just want to let everyone know that the Modern Wallpaper is now a freebie. Please download and enjoy!


Fascination Station – I Finished A Room!

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Well, almost. It needs some fine tuning. But, I finally feel like I am making some progress on the interior.

A major slow down was the electric lights. I have vowed to myself never – and I mean NEVER – to try to electrify a MDF house again. I broke tools, junction boxes, plug-in lights, and completely knocked out the electricity to one room (fortunately, just ONE room!). Honestly, I just can not believe how hard MDF is to penetrate. I salute everyone who can successfully electrify MDF without excessive swearing and/or a couple of stiff shots.

I am coming down the homestretch of finishing this project. I should have more pictures to share very soon. Hooray!