First things first. I need to show you my brand new Kris Compas dining room chairs! In my opinion, they are just right for this room.
Now on to the Contemporary Ranch.
I haven’t really gotten around to putting the house together yet. It’s been too cold or too wet to start my much loved textured spray painting for one thing. But in anticipation of actually building the house, I have been planning the interior.
After the black and white (mostly) color scheme, I feel the need for color. Lots of color. What better place for a serious color fix than the early 1970s.
For some reason my mother had these 1971/1972 decorating magazines around.
I gather she planned on redecorating at some point. Unfortunately, for me, she actually got around to all that redecorating a little later and we ended up with the dreaded avocado green/harvest gold. The worst part of the redo (My mom will never see this, thank goodness, since she does not own a computer.) was that we had the 1950’s turquoise cabinets with – yes – coppertone appliances in the kitchen. I kid you not.
Even if they did not inspire my mom, I can so see having some mini rooms like these. Who can resist that kitchen? The mediterranean furniture? The bentwood chairs?
Here are some pieces I have gathered up so far.
Some credits: mediterranean furniture – Old Concord from eBay (still looking for more of this!), modern chairs from, love seat is a modified Realife Kit, beautiful z-shaped shelf from minisx2, bentwood chairs are from Town Square.